A few details
EIC Accelerator project: Oligonucleotide (ON)-based therapies represent an important progress in the way we treat diseases. OPTOI has developed a disruptive and integrated system that will provide a breakthrough within the ON-drugs analytics market. OPTOI will bring to market a novel technology – the STARDUST system – that will overcome the difficulties associated to the techniques currently in use providing to scientists an all-in-one solution to help and speed up the drug development process. OPTOI solution consists of the STARDUST machine and kit (comprising the required reagents and the tailor made probes designed ad-hoc for each customer).
Several features avail the novelty of our proposal:
• STARDUST optical technology: novel OPTOI photonic sensors for higher
sensitivity and higher quality assay
• STARDUST kit: unique chemistry able to detect chemically modified ON-drugs, with single
base specificity
• STARDUST robotisation: sample-to-answer solution for outstanding reliability and performance
How we solved it
SACSIS provided support for EIC Accelerator preparation and submission.
Sociedad para el Avance Cientifico, Society for the Improvement of Science.
Edificio Agora,
Avda. Via Apia, 7
Planta 6, Oficina 9
41016 – Sevilla
Tlf: +34 955 985 250
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